Friday, May 23, 2014
Staying on Track While Being Injured.....and How to Overcome It
Anywhooo....the purpose of this post.....staying on track while being injured and how to overcome it. I workout errrday. Pretty much. It's my release, my de-stresser, my escape, my outlet to let everything one Friday I was sitting catching up on some emails and reached back to pick up my 5 year olds coat off the floor and shoulder popped out....for the 15th time. Legit. An hour and a half later I find myself in the ER, getting X Rays and getting referred to an orthopedic surgeon. Flash forward 3 days and I find myself being told I am 99.9% getting surgery and will never be able to lift probably ever again. My world crushed. My one escape, my one thing I do to get rid of everything that is bothering me, to be told I most likely will never be able to do it again. I cried the whole way home until my little guy asked if he could buy me some ice cream with his piggy bank money. At that moment, I realized, you can overcome this. This past 4 months, I have made some of the most amazing gains that I ever have. I packed on 20 lbs of muscle...and not in the binging on Burger King and McDonalds type of way either. I increased every single thing in the weightroom. And then to have that all be taken away in an instant? No way. I will not let that happen. So....after a week or so of sulking, a week of crying to my husband every night and thinking my life is over....I made a plan.
I talked to one of my really good friends (who happens to be a trainer and works in my hospitals sports medicine clinics) and worked on what I can do to help myself until I have to go in for surgery. I decided that I'm going to continue to lift. I sounds crazy, but here me out. My right arm is a-okay. My left, well I can continue to do bicep work and minimal tricep work. So I will. We also came up with a nice little resistance band/isometric shoulder workout. My anterior capsule is completely shot, but if I can strengthen just a little portion of it, I will take it. It will make recovery easier. I've switched my cardio routine. The recumbent bike is my new best friend. I can incline walk and bike it out to my hearts content. I need to modify my diet, which I know I need to do, but I haven't completely done it yet. I know come surgery time, I will need to eat as clean as possible with the limited movement that I will be doing. I can have my arm out of my sling right now for a couple hours a day, so I've been maximizing on that. Post surgery, we will take it as it comes, but I plan on getting my full mobility back. They told me between 3 and 6 screws are to be put in place and to expect to lose some mobility. I plan on rocking my physical therapy and showing them whats up.
The most important piece of advice I can give on this.....have a positive mind set. If you tell yourself you can do it, you can. It may suck the big one right now and you might be beyond butt hurt over it all, but if you can tell yourself that you will overcome it and come out better and stronger than before, than do it. Make a plan out for yourself and follow it. Tell yourself this is what I'm going to do and don't falter. Don't use it as an excuse to binge out on crap. Nourish your body. By going about setbacks in a healthy and positive manner, you will find yourself overcoming and being stronger in the long run. I know I have a long 12 weeks ahead of me.....but I won't let myself get down over it. I'm going to use it to come out the best version of myself that is possible. The body is an incredible thing.....push yourself. You will see yourself adapt and power through things you never thought possible. Don't baby yourself. Give yourself strength and positivity and you will see definite changes.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
My very own pre workout
Reason 1: Money, I don't want to spend it on supplements, been there done that, over it/ I'm cheaper than Megan...
Reason 2: I forget to take them anyway, so they sit in my purse for years.
Reason 3: I don't feel its necessary for me to pump all this crap into my body anymore. This one time, I took a fat burner and thought I was having a heart attack for a month, that's all it did for me...scum.
So here's the other thing, my wake- up time is 4:30 am...I know I know, its OBSURD. Sometimes I smack my alarm clock and say "no way in hell" and roll over, sometimes, at least once a week, which means I have to catch up on Saturday to make up for that missed workout.
I took a brief 1 month hiatus from lifting a short while back and I'll admit it's hard to get back into, especially when you have no help from pre-workouts or supplements. Now I am back into it and I am determined to do this all natural because...reasons above.
Last night I had the brilliant idea that I would make myself a coffee, stick her in the fridge and gulp it down cold this am pre workout. I did just that. I sprung up with my alarm this morning (because husband yells at me if I don't, it wakes the sleeping bear), got dressed, dodged some friendly cats and opened the fridge. "Oh ya I made a coffee"...and down the hatch.
IT WORKED. Hot damn, I was ON FIRE. Got me through the whole workout and then some. Here is the recipe to my very own home made pre workout...don't laugh...okay laugh I like it
-Regular coffee, no flavoring etc (I used a Kcup, so 1 Kcup)
-1/4 Cup of almond milk
-put in fridge
-consume next morning.
DONE, that's it, no flavoring, no sugar, no artificial sweeteners, I drank it just like that. I mean if you feel the need to put something else in it, go for it I won't judge you, but it worked just as well as pre workout worked for me in the past, minus the whole tingling skin bit, I hated that about pre workout, also they always tasted DISGUSTING to me. Coffee is coffee it tastes like coffee.
On a side note, I am by no means saying pre-workout is stupid, I just don't like it cause it makes me tingle for weeks then stops working and it makes my wallet lose weight. Basically I'm cheap, and this is a frugal way to fuel workouts. Try it out, it might work! Or maybe it won't and you can comment about how much I suck, it's fine I'm cool with it.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Best most easiest breakfast ever...and why you should join a CSA!
Seriously took 2 minutes. Literally. 2 minutes.....
My dad came down for Easter dinner yesterday evening, so I wanted to make an Easter meal that was as clean as possible but yet still would be eaten by our 5 year old. In the midst of all my grocery shopping, I got a box of baby heirloom tomatoes. They are so colorful and cute and delicious. So as I was staring at my refrigerator this morning wondering if my hubby looked at our CSA application, I got my box of tomatoes out and whipped up this.
All it is is jasmine rice I had cooked up (because I cook it in bulk every week for easy meals....and because if you don't eat jasmine rice, you really don't know what you are missing), a poached egg, and a couple sliced up baby heirlooms. As the egg poached, I nuked the rice and tomatoes. Top it with the egg and some pepper and voila. Heaven. The tomatoes are so fresh it's ridunk. You will thank me.
Back to my CSA....I love CSAs. I think everyone should participate in a CSA program near you. What is a CSA you ask? Community Supported Agriculture. A farmer offers "shares" to the public to buy (typically $300 for half share of $500 for a full share). Every week for 20+ weeks, you receive a box with your share of vegetables and other items the farmer has produced. It has perks for both the consumer and the farmer. The farmers receive the payment early in the season which allows cash flow for their farm to operate. If any of you are like me and live on a working farm, you know how hard it is to maintain a farm on its own cash flow. My neighbors are currently storing grain in hopes that the prices go up to sell it so they can recoup some of the money they have lost on other crops. The farmer also provides you with the freshest, hand picked vegetables out there. You get to be a part of the farm, and most of the times the farmers include their share holders in pickings or other events on the farm.
You might be like "whatttttt $300 for vegetables? Are you crazy??" But....that's $300 for 20+ weeks worth of organic, pesticide free, locally produced vegetables. I don't know about you, but every week I go to the store I spend $100+ on groceries....and 75% of that is fresh vegetables. Do the will save a ton of money during the growing season. Another thing I get whatever vegetable is in don't pick and choose, so it opens up your palate to new vegetables and new ways of cooking them. The one CSA that is local to me offers a Budding Farmer program for elementary school kids. For $48 a season, they will send educational material and fun stuff home every week for your kid to learn more about farming. I literally could go on and on about how much I love CSA's and how I think everyone should participate, but I will spare you.
So that being said.....go to and find yours today!!!!!
Monday, April 14, 2014
Body Image vs. Body Images
Monday, March 24, 2014
Alone time dinner
Alone...all day, unheard of.
Which meant I had a lot to get done, I was very productive, laundry, cleaning, workout, groom cats, etc. After lunch, I had the hindsight to throw in some chicken breasts onion and garlic with spices and my fav hot sauce into the slow cooker. By the time dinner rolled around I was hungry. There wasn't much in the fridge but there was enough to make what I gotta say, was an amazing dinner.
Throw out your scales!!!
Alright, alright.....I want everyone, yes throw out your scale!! But why!!! Why would anyone want to do that?!?!? Think about it....your weight, it's just a number. But it's a number that you let CONSUME your every being. You are probably that person who weighs themselves every.single.morning. or better yet, weighs themselves 5 times throughout the day. Okay, know that your body can fluctuate weight up to 8 lbs in an entire day right?? Just ask Lin about my extraordinary food babies and my amazing ability to hold like 10 lbs of food at one time. But anyway...back on topic...the scale. It's just downright depressing. Who the hell wants to get on a scale after busting their ass in the gym or with their diet just to find out it hasn't budged AT ALL. Talk about a buzz kill. I'll admit it, there are times I get like that. I was in a downer on Friday...I worked hard all week at the gym and expected to see SOMETHING and I didn't. And then I slapped myself and realized "silly girl. you know better than this!".
The scale means NOTHING when it comes to telling you how in shape you are....NOTHING. When you weigh yourself, you are weighing bones, fat, muscle, water, the 1/2 lb cheeseburger you ate 2 hours ago. Lets get in to it even more. Muscle weighs more than fat....Fat takes up more volume in your body. To get a definitive gauge of yourself, you should be taking your measurements. I do mine every week. It's much more rewarding to see your inches decrease (and by saying that, I'm hoping it is being replaced with lean muscle mass and not just eating so few calories you are losing everything you have). So instead of saying "I want to lose weight" everyone should be saying "I want to increase my lean muscle mass". I'll give you me for example. My diet has been....well...not where I know it could be. Sure, I'm eating in a deficit, I'm watching my macros for the MOST part, but I indulge....more than I know I should. Just ask the tupperware full of brownies and funfetti cupcakes on my counter right now. Over the past 4 weeks, my scale has gone up 3 solid pounds. I briefly had a cry sesh over this the other day......and I mean briefly, as in step on the scale, see the number, step off, cry for .2 seconds, then put my favorite pair of pants on that have been too tight for 6 months that actually now fit, and get happy again. But how?! I will tell you how. My gains in the weight room have been incredible. I am gaining lean muscle mass and losing fat. My inches lost tell me so. So while the scale is going up, my body is replacing fat I had stored with lean muscle and decreasing my size.
I ain't scared....I'll tell I weigh 142 lbs, was 18.4% body fat when I got measured last week at the gym, and am sitting solid in a size 2/4 pant. This ain't no lie.... Flash back 5 years ago when I was in college.....didn't know what a diet or a gym was.....weighed 150 lbs and was in a size 10...barely. It's a hard concept to grasp, I know this, but trust me on it. Don't be afraid of the weights people, and stay away from the scale. Take your measurements. Judge based on "goal" pants. Do whatever works for you, but stay away from the scale. You will thank me for it later.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Protein Chocolate Chip Cookies!!!! here's the scoopy doopy. I downloaded the Blogger app on my phone.....typed up this post four....yes FOUR times.....forgot to save it and closed out of the app.'s all gone. So now, for try five.
So, stuffs been super cray around here. I've been so busy with work (yes....I do have a real job) that I haven't had time to do anything...literally anything....let alone catch up on here. I've been feeling like a little worker drone who doesn't have enough time in her day to get done what needs to get done. I mean, lets be honest here, when you start your work day at 6:45-7:00, by 4:30 in the afternoon you are tired, worn out, and ready to hit your head off your desk. Not to mention, I've been traveling a lot this month so the ability to play catch up is non-existent.
Anywhoo...I'm back and have actually made some ridiculous gains in my hiatus. I'll blog about that later because, well....there's another special topic I want to tackle with that one. So back to my cookies. I made brownies last night...because well IIFYM and I made sure brownies did do that. So I thought to myself, man....I should probably make something a little cleaner to go with it. So I whipped up these cookies and they are yummy. Like, straight out of the oven eat the whole pan yummy. Or day, make a cup of coffee and heat some up in the microwave yummy. They are yummy. In every way shape and form. I combined 2 different protein powder flavors this go around and honestly it works so good. So, here ya go. Keep in mind, you don't have to make it with canola oil. I did because honestly, that's all I had. You can sub whatever you want.
Servings: 13 Serving Size: 1 cookie
Cals: 113 Protein: 5g Carbs: 8g Fat: 7g
- 1 1/2 c oat flour
- 1 scoop vanilla protein
- 1/2 scoop chocolate protein
- 1 tbsp baking powder
- 3/4 cup Splenda for baking
- 1 tbsp vanilla
- 1 egg
- 1/4 cup canola oil
- 1/3 cup unsweetened applesauce
- 1/3 cup chocolate chips
Friday, February 21, 2014
Dinna- by Linda
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Final product, soo tasty |
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2 frying pans simultaneously |
your rice into the empty pan and fry that shit up for a minute or so
Thursday, February 20, 2014
My Guide to Supplements
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Spicy Chipotle Southwest Salad
I didn't have corn chips or Spicy Lime I decided to make my own dressing and my own chipotle crisps to go on the side -- a much healthier alternative to topping with over salted and over processed corn chips.
The dressing is easy: 1/4 cup Plain Greek Yogurt, 1/4 cup Plain Almond Milk, 1 tsp Sriracha, 1 tsp Mrs Dash Southwest Chipotle seasoning, 1-2 tsp of Ranch mix to taste. It serves up as 2 servings - 25 cals each.
The chipotle crisps were easy. I took a low carb wrap and sprayed it lightly with EVOO cooking spray. Sprinkle a little bit of Mrs Dash Southwest Chipotle and toast until lightly browned. Then I cut into wedges and put on the side.
On Sunday, when I was meal prepping, I made my go to shredded chicken, but I also cut up tomatoes, spread them on a sprayed cookie sheet, and sprinkled with Mrs Dash Basil and Garlic seasoning and roasted. I did the same with the peppers. It's so easy to roast your own vegetables. I keep tupperware containers full of them to easily grab for breakfasts, lunches or dinners. It really cuts down on the prep time when making meals. Get it all done in one day! I do asparagus, mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers, and red potatoes every week. In addition to my chicken and veggies, I also cook up turkey sausage for breakfasts, scramble eggs and egg whites for the hubby (I don't eat scrambled eggs in any form. Something about them makes me gag), and hard boil eggs. Having everything available and cooked makes it easier to pick healthier alternatives.
I did 1/4 avocado on each salad. Here's a tip on keeping the rest of your in a container or bag and squeeze with lime juice. It will prevent it from turning brown! I used to shy away from buying avocados because they would always turn brown before I could use them up. This solves that!
Now my presentation wasn't as pretty as the one in the magazine, but I can say it was yummy. It was so filling I literally had to stop and take a breather mid dinner. It's packed with healthy fats, protein and balanced carbs -- a perfect, healthy dinner. Enjoy!
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Mini Chocolate Chip Banana Protein Muffins
I really feel like I don't have to write anything after looking at that picture. I mean....look at all that chocolatey ooey gooey miniature form. These little nuggets are literally TO DIE FOR. I mean.....I wish I had another banana so I could whip up another batch. I'll be lucky if these last more than a day.
It was a super busy day doing food prep. I have breakfasts, lunches and snacks made for the next couple days for both me and my hubby. I needed one more clean snack that I could easily pack for the hubs to take to work or for me to just eat the whole entire batch in one sitting...either works in my book. If I keep writing, I'm just going to go on about how good these I'll just give you the recipe...
Servings : 12 Serving Size: 3 muffins
Cals: 132 Carbs: 17g Protein: 8 g Fat: 4g
- 1 1/2 cup oat flour (I use my old fashioned oatmeal and blend it in my Ninja)
- 1 banana
- 1/2 cup Splenda
- 1 tbsp baking powder
- 1 large egg white
- 2 scoops Vanilla Protein Powder
- 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
- 1 tbsp vanilla extract
- 1/2 - 2/3 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
Friday, February 14, 2014
Valentines Day Lovin!!!
So I'm gonna do something a little bit different today.....maybe you're like me and loathe spending money on Valentines Day. I'm gonna show you some ideas that some of them are healthy....some are crafty...and some are just plain use up what you have laying around your house! Valentines Day doesn't have to be about gorging yourself with food and chocolate. Sure....I made some chocolate chip cookies from a Cooking Light recipe I had in my box (and I made those pretzel thingys with the Hershey kisses and M&M's but somehow they only lasted 18 hours.....and I didn't get a purdy pickcha). Instead.... make it about heart healthy choices so you can be around with your loved one for many Valentines Day's to come!!!
We started our morning off with a nommy breakfast of heart shaped fruits, heart shaped eggs, and heart shaped toast (the boys got all the rest of the bacon). I made some fruit salad last night and used a mini heart shaped cookie cutter to cut my pineapple and cantaloupe into heart shapes. One of my hockey girls was having a fundraiser in the fall for the theater department so I bought a heart shaped and star shaped pancake mold from her. They have them at Walmart too! They are silicone and don't stick to anything. They can easily be used for eggs too. Both my hubby and the little guy got heart shaped eggs this morning.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Bites
Servings: 28
Serving Size: 1 (I mean....who would really eat one...but I just did that so I could figure out the macros on just 1)
Cals: 49 Carbs: 5g Protein: 1g Fat: 3g
- 3 bananas -- cut into 56 slices
- 2/3 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
- 4 tbsp Peanut Butter
- 1 tbsp Smart Balance Light Butter
- 1/4 cup unsweetened Almond Milk
The only thing left to do is EAT!!! Really.....I told you my chocolate coating skills were crappy. But who's worried about that when you are stuffing down your throat right??
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Traveling and staying on track? Wait whaaatttt
Heyyyyyyyyy everyone! Sorry for the hiatus. I just got back from my national sales meeting in Texas. A week in Texas without being able to choose your meals and spending countless hours in an airport (and on this trip....I mean countless)....wait that's all possible??? Why yes it is! do you plan for all this? It's actually really easy. Before I left, I prepped a weeks worth of meals for my hubby too. It's a choice to live a healthy lifestyle. Sure...we all have our indulgences. hubby took me to five guys for lunch today and I got a regular bacon cheeseburger. I actually had to take a breathing break halfway through to get it all in me.
But does one travel and stay on track. First....I usually look for or book a room with a fridge. That way I can make sure to keep stuff cold in my and my ice pack frozen. If your ice pack isn't frozen....the TSA will make you throw it out (even more reason to check on a fridge). For this trip I did shredded chicken with salt free seasoning, 75% Cabot reducded fat cheddar, steamed broccoli, carrots and ranch, bananas, apples and PB, and protein oatmeal. Make sure you freeze whatever you aren't going to eat right away so it stays colder longer. I bag out in separate bags 4 oz of chicken, 1 oz cheese, 3 oz carrots, a cup of broccoli, and apples. I pack everything in a cooler bag. Remember if you're carrying on....ALL liquids have to be less than 3 oz and in your quart bag.....that means all your shampoos and stuff AND your ranch and PB. Sucks I know....but such is life. People might look at you like you're cray cray but it'll be aight. I forgot to pack forks this trip so the first day in the airport I cave manned it with my bare hands and the guy next to me just stared. Hey....shit happens.
So the oatmeal....In little bags I pre portion out 1/3 cup oatmeal, a half scoop of whatever protein I'm deciding to use, a pack of splenda (I usually do chocolate protein). I ask the flight attendant for a cup of hot water and pour it in. I usually then add a tbsp of peanut butter.
Call me crazy....I might be. But works for me. There are SOOOO many ways that you can make a healthy lifestyle work for you, even if you don't have the right surroundings. You just have to think outside the box a little. Whether it be school, work, traveling, can make it work if you put your mind to it.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Dark Chocolate PB Banana Protein Oats
- 1/3 cup Old Fashioned Oats
- 2/3 cup Water
- 1/2 - 1 scoop Vanilla Whey
- 1 tbsp Hershey's Dark Chocolate Cocoa Powder
- 1-2 tbsp Stevia or Splenda
- 1 tbsp Vanilla Extract
- 2/3 tbsp Peanut Butter
- 1/2 Banana
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Dark Chocolate Berry Goodness Shake for the recipe. Because I know you are all bored with my ramblings. Here ya go! Oh and yes....I do drink out of Monsters Inc cups because I'm classy like that.
Servings : 1
Cal: 222 Protein: 34 g Carbs: 17 g Fat: 3 g
- 1 scoop Vanilla Whey protein
- 1/2 cup frozen blueberries and strawberries
- 1/4 cup Plain non fat Greek yogurt
- 1 tbsp Vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp Hersheys Dark Chocolate Cocoa Powder
- 1-2 tbsp Stevia or Splenda
- 1 tbsp Ground Flax Seed
- water and ice to desired consistency
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Chicken and Roasted Veggie Stuffed Red Potatoes
Like I said in previous posts, I make shredded chicken 2-3 times a week. I just throw chicken in a crock pot, nothing else, and let it cook. The chicken will release it's own juices and it will create super juicy shredded chicken. You can roast the tomatoes, peppers and mushrooms in the oven. Chop everything up, spray a foil lined cookie sheet with spray, lay everything in an even layer and roast at 425 until they start to brown and get soft. Also, if your filling is a little on the dry side, try adding a splash of water to it. I saved the insides to my potatoes so I can make homefries in the morning :)
Servings: 1
Cals: 395 Protein: 39g Carbs: 20g Fat: 5g
- 1 large red potatoed, cooked and hollowed out
- 5 oz shredded cooked chicken
- 1/4 cup fat free Ricotta
- 1/4 cup roasted tomatoes, peppers and mushrooms
- 1 tbsp Herbs de Provence (or you can use Italian seasoning)
- 1 tbsp Light Italian Dressing
- dash of salt
- dash of pepper
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Real Deal about Carbohydrates
You can have your carbs and eat them too here. What you have to understand is what TYPES of carbs should you be eating. I mean....if you just say "I don't eat carbs" does that mean you don't eat most fruits and vegetables? A banana has about 30g of carbs in one banana.....and is one of the best post workout grab and go snacks you can eat if you don't have time for anything else. There are such things as simple carbs and complex carbs. What makes them simple or complex? That depends on their chemical structure but more importantly how quickly the sugars are digested in to your system.
Complex carbs are the carbs you should be filling your diet with. These would be whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables. The sugars from these carbs release into your body gradually and deliver a steady supply of sugar to the blood stream which provides long lasting energy.
Simple Carbs are made of molecules that your body can easily breakdown and cause a quick release of sugar into the body. This is where you can get in to the "bad" carbs. Sugars, candy, white bread, chips, syrups.....they are all simple carbs. That syrup you had with your French might have had 53g of carbs in it but 35g of it was sugar.....sugar that is getting released just like that in to your blood stream and is not going to sustain your energy levels.
Does all this mean that you need to eat 300g of carbs a day?? Heck no techno. Not unless you are a high performance athlete that pushes their body to the brink during workouts every single day and is consuming 3000 calories a day. I make sure to fill my diet with about 35% carbs every single day. Sure....I might choose the low carb whole wheat wrap over the regular whole wheat wrap....but that's because I eat 6 times a day and I don't like to eat up all my carbs in one sitting. I might not have a "starch" for dinner because I know that my yogurt I'm going to eat at 8 PM is going to put me at my 35%.
If you are going to carb cycle (which is a WHOLE other topic)....but being very brief....follow a low - medium - high 3 day schedule and have your high carb day fall on a demanding lifting day (for me that would be leg day). Your body will thank you. What do I consider low-medium-high?? Low - 20% carbs, medium - 30% carbs, high 45% carbs....but that's just me. Everyone is different and I know how my body reacts. I don't know about you....but I don't like being cranky.
So what am I getting at here.....basically, consuming carbs are not why you gained weight. It's what you put in your mouth as a whole that made you gain weight. What should your diet consist of then? Fruits, vegetables, whole unrefined grains, beans, etc. Don't fill yourself up with sodas, sugars, syrups, donuts and cookies. It's not really rocket science here......but I guarantee you will find yourself having more energy, be fuller longer, and will just overall feel better about yourself.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Chicken and Ricotta Wontons
Every Sunday I put about 4-5 lbs of chicken by itself in a crock pot and let it cook all day to shred up. It makes lunches and dinners super easy too.
So ya go. (PS Don't mind the paper plate.....I'm trying to use them up because my hubby HATES eating off them)
Chicken and Ricotta Wontons
Serving size : 6 wontons Servings: 1
Cals: 277 Protein: 22g Carbs: 26g Fat: 8g
- 6 wonton wrappers
- 1/3 cup shredded chicken
- 1/3 cup part skim ricotta
- dash of pepper
- dash of salt
- dash of Herbs de Provence
Friday, January 10, 2014
Lower Carb Cheesy Pizza
Cheesy Lower Carb Pizza
Cals: 297 Protein: 19 g Carbs: 23 g Fat: 14 g
- La Banderita Low Carb Soft Taco Wrap
- 1/2 cup your favorite marinara sauce
- 1/4 cup Italian blend cheese
- 1/4 cup Part Skim Ricotta
Monday, January 6, 2014
Scales are for fish
My story is I lost over 35 lbs in the passed 3 years ( went down and up before that my highest ever weight was 197 lbs!), I lost most of it in my first year, a handful in my second year and now I am just "In maitenence" or "reshaping" or whatever you want to call it. I'm 5'6 and wear a size 4 if that is any indication and my weight fluctuates from 135-138 depending entirely on the positioning of the moon.
I stopped weighing myself a few months ago and decided to try to adapt a bit more to a clean eating/ high fat (yep HIGH fat, it's amazing)/ little to no gluten diet. See I'm allergic to dairy, so I can't eat many things (yes it sucks but it works for me) and I try to avoid grains and beans but I still eat my jasmine rice, straight up white. I guess you could say I'm kind of paleo, but I don't want to label myself with a title so "Hi I'm Linda I eat food that works for my body". Yeah I like that.
I made the mistake of weighing myself after Christmas, because I am a total idiot and I was up a whole 3 pounds! Okay that's nothing, could be water could be poop could be one of my cats sitting on my shoulders so I decided not to let it bother me. Except it does bother me and I don't know why. That's a lie, I do know why, it bothers me because we put so much emphasis on weight. People always say "Linda have you lost more weight?! Stop losing weight!" When no... I haven't lost weight in a year, it's just that my exercise regime and my nutrition make subtle changes to my body weekly, even though half the time, I can't see them. Lets be honest without sounding like a conceited big headed pig I look pretty freakin fantastic, no lie and I work hard for that glory, but I have spent too much time nit picking extra skin and .5 of a lb etc etc.
Instead of spending the time celebrating victories or enjoying life in smaller jeans, I would worry about a number or that I have rolls still when I sit or that my thighs are too close together. I'm over that shit, so done with it! I've come too far to be so cruel.
What I'm trying to say is that since that dreaded weigh in I have avoided the scale and I plan on continuing that trend, it's liberating until you step back on the sucker so please, join me! Avoid/ trash/ burn the scale and focus on making yourself better for you, not for a board that measures your gravitational pull towards the earth.
It's simple really but I'm still learning.
In case you were wondering, this is what I look like.