My supplements: Prenatal vitamins, fish oil, Migrelief, Amino Burst 300
PreNatal Vitamins: NO!! I am NOT pregnant, and NO, I have NO plans on getting pregnant. So why PreNatal vitamins you ask?? It's really pretty simple. When we workout, we are wearing down and rebuilding muscle fibers constantly. PreNatal vitamins contain folate.....what do we need to rebuild muscle tissue? Folate! Folate is critical for rebuilding and creating new cells in our body. What is one way that muscles grow? By rebuilding and replacing the cells we damaged when we weight train! So I can get into it even further if you want (since you probably think I'm crazy). What else does folate do? Helps build DNA and RNA. What process do we use to build and grow muscle when we weight train? Muscle Protein Synthesis! What are the main components of muscle protein synthesis? DNA and RNA! Yayyy!!! So in short....a PreNatal vitamin aids in the building and recovery of muscles while weight training. It also contains DHA which is an Essential Fatty Acid that your body needs to function. Enough said. If you're not down with taking a PreNatal....make sure you are taking a multi-vitamin formulated for your gender. Men and women need completely different nutrients, so make sure you are taking one formulated for your needs.
Fish Oil: The human body cannot produce enough essential fatty acids on it's it looks for the food we eat or a supplement to get the proper amount of of EFA's. EFA's are a main component in building lean muscles. They help increase muscle synthesis and decrease the rate at which you degrade your muscles. They also help your cardiovascular health, support healthy blood flow, help joint function, and like I said before, muscle recovery.
BCAA's: Branch Chain Amino Acids are very important for all muscle synthesis and muscle recovery. I swear by them. I take GNC Amino Burst 3000. I pop 3 post workout, and I swear the next day I am not as fatigued and the pain from Delayed Onset Muscle Syndrome is MUCH less. When you weight train, you deplete your bodys natural storage of BCAA's. Protein is made up of 22 amino acids. Eight of these amino acids the body cannot produce, so it looks for supplementation to make up for it. BCAA's reduce muscle fatigue, speed up muscle recovery, decrease the loss of other amino acids, and help your body absorb protien (and we all know, if you are trying to build muscle, protein is a MUST). BCAA's are also metabolized in the actual muscles, not in your liver like most amino acids. If you lack any of these BCAA's you are putting yourself at risk for muscle depletion.
Protein: Ahhh protien....I don't have any protein pictured, because I try to get MOST of my protein to fit my macros naturally. I used to swear by drinking shakes errrrrday, but I've now discovered I can pretty much hit my protein goals by my food intake. Don't get me wrong, there are days I still drink shakes, but if I can hit my goals based on the foods I eat, then I'm okay with that. Protein is the building block for all muscle tissue. You need protein to build muscle (duh.) The body also utilizes more calories breaking down protein which increases your natural calories burned. Win win, right? So get your protein in!!!
What's the other one in the picture? Migrelief. I suffer from EXTREME chronic migraines. I know it has nothing to do with muscle recovery or function, etc. But I take it everyday, so it was in my pickcha. I won't get into the details of it, but I take it every day. It helps decrease the frequency and intensity of migraines, and was recommended by my doctor. So for all you fellow migraine might be interested in checking it out!!
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