So we over indulged for Easter....and I know I'm not really feeling much of anything besides blah. My hubby even said he wasn't feeling today when he left for work. So I loafed around for a good hour and a half...made a cup of coffee and decided on making this for breakfast.
Seriously took 2 minutes. Literally. 2 minutes.....
My dad came down for Easter dinner yesterday evening, so I wanted to make an Easter meal that was as clean as possible but yet still would be eaten by our 5 year old. In the midst of all my grocery shopping, I got a box of baby heirloom tomatoes. They are so colorful and cute and delicious. So as I was staring at my refrigerator this morning wondering if my hubby looked at our CSA application, I got my box of tomatoes out and whipped up this.
All it is is jasmine rice I had cooked up (because I cook it in bulk every week for easy meals....and because if you don't eat jasmine rice, you really don't know what you are missing), a poached egg, and a couple sliced up baby heirlooms. As the egg poached, I nuked the rice and tomatoes. Top it with the egg and some pepper and voila. Heaven. The tomatoes are so fresh it's ridunk. You will thank me.
Back to my CSA....I love CSAs. I think everyone should participate in a CSA program near you. What is a CSA you ask? Community Supported Agriculture. A farmer offers "shares" to the public to buy (typically $300 for half share of $500 for a full share). Every week for 20+ weeks, you receive a box with your share of vegetables and other items the farmer has produced. It has perks for both the consumer and the farmer. The farmers receive the payment early in the season which allows cash flow for their farm to operate. If any of you are like me and live on a working farm, you know how hard it is to maintain a farm on its own cash flow. My neighbors are currently storing grain in hopes that the prices go up to sell it so they can recoup some of the money they have lost on other crops. The farmer also provides you with the freshest, hand picked vegetables out there. You get to be a part of the farm, and most of the times the farmers include their share holders in pickings or other events on the farm.
You might be like "whatttttt $300 for vegetables? Are you crazy??" But....that's $300 for 20+ weeks worth of organic, pesticide free, locally produced vegetables. I don't know about you, but every week I go to the store I spend $100+ on groceries....and 75% of that is fresh vegetables. Do the will save a ton of money during the growing season. Another thing I get whatever vegetable is in don't pick and choose, so it opens up your palate to new vegetables and new ways of cooking them. The one CSA that is local to me offers a Budding Farmer program for elementary school kids. For $48 a season, they will send educational material and fun stuff home every week for your kid to learn more about farming. I literally could go on and on about how much I love CSA's and how I think everyone should participate, but I will spare you.
So that being said.....go to and find yours today!!!!!
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