Hey everyone! So after a long hiatus, we're back. May was crazy.....hockey was in full swing and then I dislocated my shoulder on top of it and have been in a sling for over 3 weeks waiting on surgery. So...I haven't really been up to tooooooo much!!!!!
Anywhooo....the purpose of this post.....staying on track while being injured and how to overcome it. I workout errrday. Pretty much. It's my release, my de-stresser, my escape, my outlet to let everything go.....so one Friday I was sitting catching up on some emails and reached back to pick up my 5 year olds coat off the floor and bam....my shoulder popped out....for the 15th time. Legit. An hour and a half later I find myself in the ER, getting X Rays and getting referred to an orthopedic surgeon. Flash forward 3 days and I find myself being told I am 99.9% getting surgery and will never be able to lift probably ever again. My world crushed. My one escape, my one thing I do to get rid of everything that is bothering me, to be told I most likely will never be able to do it again. I cried the whole way home until my little guy asked if he could buy me some ice cream with his piggy bank money. At that moment, I realized, you can overcome this. This past 4 months, I have made some of the most amazing gains that I ever have. I packed on 20 lbs of muscle...and not in the binging on Burger King and McDonalds type of way either. I increased every single thing in the weightroom. And then to have that all be taken away in an instant? No way. I will not let that happen. So....after a week or so of sulking, a week of crying to my husband every night and thinking my life is over....I made a plan.
I talked to one of my really good friends (who happens to be a trainer and works in my hospitals sports medicine clinics) and worked on what I can do to help myself until I have to go in for surgery. I decided that I'm going to continue to lift. I know.....it sounds crazy, but here me out. My right arm is a-okay. My left, well I can continue to do bicep work and minimal tricep work. So I will. We also came up with a nice little resistance band/isometric shoulder workout. My anterior capsule is completely shot, but if I can strengthen just a little portion of it, I will take it. It will make recovery easier. I've switched my cardio routine. The recumbent bike is my new best friend. I can incline walk and bike it out to my hearts content. I need to modify my diet, which I know I need to do, but I haven't completely done it yet. I know come surgery time, I will need to eat as clean as possible with the limited movement that I will be doing. I can have my arm out of my sling right now for a couple hours a day, so I've been maximizing on that. Post surgery, we will take it as it comes, but I plan on getting my full mobility back. They told me between 3 and 6 screws are to be put in place and to expect to lose some mobility. I plan on rocking my physical therapy and showing them whats up.
The most important piece of advice I can give on this.....have a positive mind set. If you tell yourself you can do it, you can. It may suck the big one right now and you might be beyond butt hurt over it all, but if you can tell yourself that you will overcome it and come out better and stronger than before, than do it. Make a plan out for yourself and follow it. Tell yourself this is what I'm going to do and don't falter. Don't use it as an excuse to binge out on crap. Nourish your body. By going about setbacks in a healthy and positive manner, you will find yourself overcoming and being stronger in the long run. I know I have a long 12 weeks ahead of me.....but I won't let myself get down over it. I'm going to use it to come out the best version of myself that is possible. The body is an incredible thing.....push yourself. You will see yourself adapt and power through things you never thought possible. Don't baby yourself. Give yourself strength and positivity and you will see definite changes.